We pray for you
Find a community that prays for you. Feel free to leave your reasons for prayer.

La forma de amar a Dios
The way to love God Sometimes, we think that the way I love God is the only way or that,…

Bible Study – Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Herramientas prácticas para tu vida. Nuestra exploración de la Biblia tiene la característica de dialogar qué nos provoca la lectura…

¡Bienvenido! Welcome
St Andrew’s Unite Methodist Church, is a church for all! Connecting to the community around us, we are a multi-cultural…

We Believe
OUR VISION: To be a Church committed to the task of evangelization and discipleship in the midst of our environment…

We have in-person and online services Sundays at 10:00 AM
Everybody is welcomed at our church. You can join our in-person services with face covering and keeping social distancing by…

Our History
St Andrews’s Methodist Church was an outgrowth of a union society known as the Union for Christian Work that was…